Metro apps are an important addition to Microsoft Windows 8, providing the cornerstone for a single, consistent programming and interaction model across desktops, tablets, and smartphones. The Metro app user experience is very different from previous generations of Windows applications: Metro apps are full-screen and favor a usability style that is simple, direct, and free from distractions. Metro apps represent a complete departure from previous versions of Windows. There are entirely new APIs, new interaction controls, and a very different approach to managing the life cycle of applications. Metro apps can be developed using a range of languages, including C#, Visual Basic, C++, and, the topic of this book, JavaScript. Windows 8 is the first version of Windows that embraces the skills and knowledge of web application developers and makes JavaScript and HTML firstclass citizens in application development. In this book, I show you how you can build on your knowledge of web app development to create Metro apps using HTML and JavaScript. The result is apps that look and feel like an integral part of the Windows experience and that take advantage of core platform facilities. This book gives you an essential jump start into the world of Metro; by the end, you will understand how to use the controls and features that define the core Metro experience.
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